Our New Brand


We cannot explain our new logo without acknowledging the one that came before it. Our last logo was created a decade ago at Project Yoga Richmond’s inception. The flames signified an intention to “unite and ignite.” It’s no coincidence that Project Yoga Richmond abbreviates to PYR or “pyre.” Our desire was, and still is, to be a combustible force for good in Richmond, spreading the benefits of yoga to all people, regardless of ability to pay. 

In the newest iteration of our logo, the personified flower represents the organization’s next phase of growth and community impact. The fire cleared the way for our seeds to grab the earth and we’re nurturing lasting growth as our roots spread in the soil of our community. There is beauty afoot.

Our flower is part human, part nature, all inspired. It has no specific age, race, ability, gender or income level. Its arms spread wide, open to all in a spirit of inclusivity, open to possibility, empowerment, love.

The circular bloom represents the infinite nature of our work together. It is never ending, balanced, unified and whole, yet connected to its roots. 

The fire of our first decade made space for growth, expansion and lasting change. We often say, “your practice has power.” First, the power to ignite change. Then, to foster and sustain growth as we work to bring the healing benefits of yoga and mindfulness to everyone in Richmond and beyond.

Project Yoga Richmond’s former logo.

Project Yoga Richmond’s former logo.

Abbey Collins